【商品名】バービーコレクター ゴールドラベル 2014 オズの魔法使い 西の悪い魔女【カテゴリー】ホビー:人形・ドール【商品説明】4400ユニット限定生産、2014ファンタジーグラマーコレクション。お届けまでに通常10-14日、最長3週間かかります。在庫僅少のため、やむを得ず在庫切れとなった場合は別途ご連絡致します。Gold Label? Designed by: Linda Kyaw Release Date: 2/13/2014 Product Code: BCR04 No more than 4400 units produced worldwide.Wonderfully wicked, the Wicked Witch of the West? wears an enchanting fantasy ensemble with criss-cross lacing, a dramatic mermaid skirt and an attached cape. Accessories include a sheer, pointy hat and broom. Her green face gets a glamorous touch, my pretty, with plum-hued “makeup.”Doll Details - Body Type:ModelMuse? Skin Tone:Wicked Green Facial Sculpt:Mermaid Fashion Sewn On?:No Eyelashes:Painted. Included with doll:Doll stand, hat, shoes, socks, broom, cameo.THE WIZARD OF OZ and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and ? Turner Entertainment Co. For the adult collector. Production doll may vary from the photo shown above. Mattel reserves the right to modify the fashion/fabrics, sculpt, hair color/style, and accessories. Doll cannot stand alone as shown.