DANNY GRAY ダニーグレー シートWEEKDAYモデル 2アップXL エア06-17ST 【SEAT WKDY2UPXL AIR06-17ST [0802-0714]】
商品概要バックレスト:-バックレスト取付:-カラー:ブラックヒート:-U.S.A.製:素材:ビニールモデル:AIRHAWK WEEKDAYポジション:フロント、リアサイズ:XLスカート/エッジ:スムースソーラーリフレクティブ:-専用設計:ステッチ:スペシャルスタイル:2アップタイプ:シートBACKREST:NoBACKREST CAPABLE:NoCOLOR:BlackHEATED:NoMADE IN THE U.S.A.:YesMATERIAL:VinylMODEL:Airhawk WeekdayPOSITION:Front,RearSIZE:X-LargeSKIRT/EDGE:SmoothSOLAR REFLECTIVE:NoSPECIFIC APPLICATION:YesSTITCH:SpecialSTYLE:2-upTYPE:Seat詳細説明・The ultimate in low profile touring just got pumped up・Driver and passenger portion of seat each have two inflatable air cells・The Airhawk’s Comfort Seating System is now integrated into the seat・The result is the custom design and production capabilities of Danny Gray with Airhawk’s clinician-approved Dry Floatation? technology・Airhawk’s patented system eliminates painful pressure points and is fully customizable to each rider’s contour・Now, riders can enjoy the same benefits they’ve always known of Airhawk but have it built into a revolutionary seat・With this patent-pending design, riders can also appreciate continuous airflow through the seat, reducing heat build-up and keeping them cool and dry;no hot seat・An integrated pump and relief valve makes it possible to adjust the air pressure while seated・Made in the U.S.A.注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。商品番号20-111DAIR