商品概要ドライブ:チェーンエキゾーストクローズ:22oエキゾースト時間:252度エキゾーストリフト:.584エキゾースオープン:50oインテーククローズ:46oインテーク時間:252度インテークリフト:.584インテーク オープン:26oU.S.A.製:モデル:ROCKET 584パッケージング:ペア専用設計:スタイル:パフォーマンスパーツタイプ:カムシャフトキットDRIVE:ChainEXHAUST CLOSE:22oEXHAUST DURATION:252EXHAUST LIFT:.584EXHAUST OPEN:50oINTAKE CLOSE:46oINTAKE DURATION:252INTAKE LIFT:.584INTAKE OPEN:26oMADE IN THE U.S.A.:YesMODEL:Rocket 584PACKAGING:PairSPECIFIC APPLICATION:YesSTYLE:Performance ReplacementTYPE:Cam Kit詳細説明・Designed by Chris Rocket Rivas・Available with or without the Easy Start centrifugal compression release system (licensed by S&SR Cycle) for easy starting even with large displacement, high compression motors・Made in the U.S.A.ROCKET 514 CAMS・Use stock valve springs・Very easy on valve train parts・Incredible low rpm pulling power recommended for heavier bikes with stock compression ratio or up to 9.5:1・Best power with free-flow air cleaner and performance exhaust・Peak performance at 1500 to 5000 rpm・Cruising hi-torque bolt-in camsROCKET 554 CAMS・Peak performance at 1500 to 5800 rpm・Stock compression ratio or up to 10:1・Powerful cruising bolt-in cam・Recommended engine sizes 88 to 107 above average mid-range passing power・Uses stock valve springs・Best power with free-flow air cleaner and performance exhaustROCKET 574 CAMS・Peak performance at 1500 to 5800 rpm・Above-average midrange power, work great with stock or up to 10:1 compression ratio・Make best power with a free-flowing air cleaner and performance exhaust・Powerful street/cruising bolt-in cams・Use stock valve springsROCKET 584 CAMS・For use with ported heads and minimum 10.0:1 compression ratio・Peak performance at 2000 to 6000 rpm・Hot high-lift cams for upgraded engines of 103 or 107 cubic inch displacement・Use stock valve springs・Recommended for use with a free-flowing air cleaner and performance exhaust・Deliver constant power while reducing detonation注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。商品番号4-4001