納期状況をご確認くださいカラー:WHITE 566はこちらカラー:BLUE 257/Aはこちらカラー:GRAY 713/Bはこちらカラー:BROWN 126/Aはこちらカラー:BLACK 91/Bはこちら商品概要【容量】50L詳細説明The 50L Top Box Kit comes with fast removal system it can accommodate 2 full face helmets. The upper shell is painted in the same colour as the vehicle.The top box is equipped with a comfort backrest pad which matches with the material and colour of the saddle, inner pocket and elastic bands to keep baggage stable.The handlebar weight and the metal part in the rear rack differrs.注意点※画像は他のカラーリングを含みます。 ※画像はイメージです。適合車種X10 350 X10 350 X10 500 X10 500 商品番号67614000BT